

HoloWorld is a Phygital Operating World Augmenting Humans and Robots. It is where humans “live” and “work” within a phygital world created by using disruptive technologies enabled by our flagship product ‘HoloSuit’ which provides motion capture solution to experience real-world scenarios, critical operations where technologies like Extended Reality, Robotics, Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence can be experienced in interactive and immersive way. As said, Where HAPTICS capabilities end, HOLOSUIT Begins. It is the world’s first bi-directional, wireless and easy to use full body motion capture suit and biggest game-changer according to Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality.

Our mission is to give 10x back using the power of HoloWorld Metaverse Augmenting Humans and Robots!

HoloWorld is the world leader in providing an open platform for Skill Metaverse and has been roped in as Industries like defence, Education, Robotics, Medical, industrial training, sports and entertainment space. HoloWorld will act as a global platform for Skill Discovery, Development and Demonstration in web 3.0. The main aim is to “Develop once and skill anyone, anywhere, anytime”.


Holoworld provides a platform for stakeholders to showcase their technologies to promote innovation. It provides opportunities to learn future technologies, basic functions and concepts of robotics, VR and motion capture driven technologies, Industrial skills and hands on projects physically and virtually. It enables students to learn outside the classroom with virtual feedback, making learning more engaging and tailoring material to suit the individual. New technologies (AI, Robotics, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality) in web 3.0 are poised to affect education at all levels.

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  1. Incredible work team !

  2. Very interesting stuff guys. keep up the work. mind blowing. spectacular. this will blow tesla out of the water.

  3. Whooooa lessssssssssss goooooooooooooo!!!

  4. This reminds me of the metaverse! I’m super excited!

  5. Excited about web 3.0 ! Your work will be a major contributor in it!

  6. Saw yee at the Dubai Expo. Mindblowing!

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